Saturday, 21 March 2015

Awesome kids website

Lots of fabulous science- animals and our world to discover in this well put together website for kids.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Week 7

This has been another great week in Room 22. 

The class has been busy involving themselves in cricket, wheels days, technology lunchtime challenges, kapa haka, enviro group and much much more.

Our first trip was today. We walked down to the river. Looked at the environment and sketched what we could see. Thank you to the wonderful parents who helped and made the trip possible. Thank you to all students for being prepared with good walking shoes and lunches.
Next Friday is our second trip. Thank you to all parents who put down their names to help. If you put your name down we look forward to seeing you all. please remember good walking shoes is a must.

This week we have been working on-
*Writing- using the 5 senses as a way to add detail to writing as well as varying sentences beginnings by using action, sound, speech or description.
*Reading- answering a newspaper about plants- using careful reading and checking answers make sense as well as reading for information and note taking using bullet points
*Maths- problem solving and place value.
*Art- pressed flowers presented into small art works, sketching and starting a large flower crayon, chalk and dye piece.
*PE- tennis skills- bouncing, hitting, how to hold racket, hitting a ball over the net so it lands in the court.
We have continued with our focus on plants. Flowers is our focus this term and into next. Small groups are going out to cut and learn about flowers. So far in class we have learnt to use flowers to press and create art, dry- hanging up side down and create into bunches along with additional leaves etc. Everyone is enjoying this.
We are also growing daffodils.


Next week-
*bring homework challenges in when completed so you can share them.
*Trip Friday
*Movin March continuing
*Students please bring your homework notebook on Friday (a few keep forgetting which makes it difficult to test,  record new words and stick in maths homework)

*Note- so sorry my fabulous 2ic's have been working hard on work to put onto the blog but I am unable to put up photos for some reason. I am trying to have problem fixed. As soon as is fixed will put up everyone's fabulous work.

have a great weekend
Miss N

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Milk Food Coloring And Dish Soap Experiment ~ Incredible Science

Today at school we completed this investigation. The investigation we followed is below.

Tie-Dyed Milk


like water and milk have a property known as surface tension, due to the
cohesive forces of the liquid's molecules.

closely (you can use a magnifying glass) at the edge of the surface of water in
a clear glass. Do you notice how the very edge of the water appears to rise up
the side of the glass?

because the surface tension of the water is actually pulling the water
away from the glass inward toward the center of the surface.

Soap will
reduce this surface tension. Let's see what happens!


  • Make sure you have an adult
    helping you.
  • Do not drink the milk after
    you have put the food colouring and soap in it!
  • Do this experiment near the
    sink so that when you're done you don't spill milk and food colouring all
    over the floor.


Prediction- What I think will happen? Why?


  • A shallow dish -
  • Milk - The higher the fat
    content the better.
  • Food colouring - Four
    different colours will be more colourful.
  • Liquid dish soap.
  • A toothpick or small straw
    might be helpful, too.


  1. Pour a layer of milk in the
    dish about (1 cm) deep. Room temperature milk works much better than cold
  2. Carefully put one small
    of each of the four food colours onto the surface of the milk,
    widely separated, and not in the center of the dish (less is better
    than more!)
    . Something like this:

  3. Get ready to watch what
    happens! Very carefully drop one drop of dish soap onto the surface
    of the milk in the center of the dish. (Be careful not to add the soap
    directly on top of the food coloring. You may want to dip a toothpick in
    the dish soap so that a small drop of soap remains on the end of the
    toothpick, then touch the drop to the surface of the milk.)


  • What happens to the food
    colouring when you first put it on the milk?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Why do you think that is?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  • What happens when you add
    the drop of soap?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • What direction does the food
    colour move when you first add the drop of soap?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • What direction does the food
    colour move after the experiment has been running for a while?
  • Does the movement go on
    forever? What happens?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • What happens if you add another
    drop of soap after the colours have stopped moving?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

draw 2 pictures of what is happening in the bowl





What's Happening?!?

probably first noticed that the drops of food colouring just sat on the surface
where you placed them. That's because food colouring is less dense than milk,
so it floats on the surface, and the colours do not mix because you didn't stir
the milk.

Then the
action began with a drop of soap! The soap reduces the surface tension of the
milk by dissolving the fat molecules, which is why fattier milk works better.
The surface of the milk outside the soap drop has a higher surface tension, so
it pulls the surface away from that spot. The food colouring moves with the
surface, streaming away from the soap drop. Due to the convection that results
from the moving surface, the food colouring may be drawn down into the liquid,
only to appear rising again somewhere else. That's why it's best to use a clear
bowl so you can see what's happening.

As the
soap becomes evenly mixed with the milk, the action slows down and eventually
stops. Addition of another drop of soap may start the process again.

 Photos of us working to come next week.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Tuesday's leaders (2ic) Aislinn and Poppy.




Here is their report.

Monday 9th March swimming sports!                                                  

On Monday the 9th of March, everyone from Kapanui School went down to the Waikanae pool. The people who participated in the Swimming sports races went down to the pool at 9:45.  The strokes we swam were… Breaststroke,  Freestyle, Backstroke and Butterfly. When we finished, all the races, the other people came down then we had a free-swim.


                                   Today’s joke for the 10th of March

Why did the chicken bury her eggs in mud? Because she wanted brown chicks hahaha!


                              Moving March!

This month at school its Mooving March! This is when you have to bike or scooter to school or walk. Here’s the coolest thing! You might get PRIZES!   

                                        Syndicate assembly

Mostly every Friday the year three and four syndicate go to syndicate assembly. Each week there is a different class that does the assembly. Each week there is usually a shine-award  unless the teacher is away. We are on this Friday.