Monday, 14 October 2013

Group Work

Here we are looking at roles within groups.
There needs to be a
 leader- to guide/ encourage
reporter- to share and tell what the group did or learnt
recorder- to draw and write what the group discusses/ does
collector- to get and find things
and most important
Everyone is a Member of the group who shares ideas and helps others.
 We each took turns being each role in our groups. Some were easy and some were harder.

 We all showed great listening skills.
 We shared answers and supported each other.

 Everyone was involved
 At the end of our tasks we had to complete a senses chart for a bar of chocolate.
It was hard for some to not eat it straight away but we did it.

 We used our sense of sight, touch, smell, sound and of course taste.

We then had to work as a team to write a poem about chocolate.

Here are the 5 minute poems the groups wrote-

Yellow -

Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate,
Chocolate is fun   (x2)

Is so fun in my tum, tum, tum.

There's a party going on in my tummy,
the chocolate just makes it seem so funny.

Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate ( x2)

I ate too much ....

Ohhhhh!!!! NOOooooooo!!!!!!!!


Chocolate, chocolate,
Yum and delicious.

Yummy in my tummy

It fills me up all the time.
Come on lets finish this rhyme.


Brown sweet chocolate melts in my mouth,
It tastes so creamy of cocoa powder.
Its like milk.

Light Green-

Chocolate chocolate owww so much,
Chocolate chocolate flavour.

Chocolate chocolate owwww so much,
It is melting in my mouth.


Yum, Yum, Yum in my tum,
we love chocolate it's so fun.

Smelling chocolate smells so yum.

I could eat it all day long.
Eating chocolate one by one,
I feel sick now that it's all gone.

We love chocolate,
we don't want it to end.

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